Art in Nature

Joseph Cornell's Box Artist's Drive, Death Valley National Park Jean Arp visits Bisti Allan Houser's Family Constantin Brancusi's Study Henry Moore's Foundry Function of Light I Function of Light II Wonderstone Wash Painted Hills South Coyote Butte Mondrian at Coyote Buttes I Mondrian at Coyote Buttes II Mondrian at White Pocket

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Since high school, I have been in love with 20th century "Modern" art, particularly abstract and surrealist art. I have found in this work much inspiration for my own work. Recently I wondered what art some of my favorite artists would be making now, with new technology available and and our constant bombardment with imagery from around this world and beyond. What would Joseph Cornell do with the imagery from Hubble or the planetary probes? Would Mondrian still be using only primary colors? Or from another perspective, did Allan Houser and Henry Moore draw their forms from the landscape?

The horizonal images are available as 12.5 × 19 inch or 16 × 24 inch prints. Those prices, respectively, are $300 and $500 for matted prints. I am still determining sizes for the the other images in this portfolio.